First day at school poems for children

Estimated read time 2 min read

We’re back with exciting  poems for kids. Teach your kids these fun poems and sing it together! 

These poems are for kids who have just started to go to school. These are poems for First day at school. 

1. Hurray! Hurray!

School starts today

It’s not about the books. 

It’s not about the classes

or the Learning Center Nook.

It’s not about report cards 

or the quizzes. Here’s a hunch.

It’s all about the playground

and the bus ride

and the lunch.

2. I wonder

if my drawing

will be as good as theirs.

I wonder

if they’ll like me

or just be full of stares.

I wonder

if my teacher

will look like Mom or Gran.

I wonder

if my puppy

will wonder where I am.

3.I’ve got a brand-new lunchbox.

My shoes are shiny clean.

I’ve got a cool, new bookbag

 And a pencil box that’s green.

But I don’t know my teacher,

Or where my desk will be.

 I don’t know if I’ll like the kids, 

Or if they’ll play with me.

I stand there for a while.

I peek inside my classroom.

 My teacher’s tall and kind of loud, 

But has a great big smile.

And, best of all, she’s got my 

Favorite book upon the shelf!

 I kiss my mother at the door 

And walk in by myself.

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